Birgit Nüchter, Coaching und Beratung



Internationale Unternehmenskultur

Coaching in English

This section is for you if

  • You are an experienced professional working in Germany
  • Your company is interested in providing the benefits of coaching to professionals from abroad working in Germany
  • You are interested in working with a coach but you do not feel comfortable enough in the German language

I will be running the coaching sessions with you in English. As your coach I will be your advocate so that you can reach your full potential.

My professional background

I worked in the IT industry for 25 years, 18 of those in leadership and management positions.

As a manager in an international IT company, I was used to a challenging environment where change was just as normal as working with international teams in different time zones. A big part of my job was to stimulate and foster young talents, challenge them with the right tasks and to make sure that all stakeholders were satisfied. My working experience together with my passion for engaging and authentic contact with people brought me to my profession as a coach where I can focus on that part of my management task that I always enjoyed most – working with people.

What to expect from Coaching

Our initial contact will be a short conversation that can be either in person or on the phone. During this initial contact my aim is to understand the topic that you want to work on and also for both of us to ensure we can work well together (are we a good fit?). This first shorter session is free of charge and usually takes 20-30 min. If appropriate, the first coaching session can immediately follow the initial contact.

During the coaching sessions I will guide you through the process on how to find your own solutions and reach your goals. Together we define how you can transfer those solutions into your daily work routine. In the following sessions we will look at what worked well and where adjustments are needed.

A coaching session takes approximately 1.5 hours and the sessions typically are every 2 to 4 weeks. We will discuss the frequency and any other questions you have in the initial conversation. I will work with you based on your needs and your schedule.

I suggest to initially plan for 5 coaching sessions. Should you have reached your goal after fewer sessions, that is great and we will cancel the remaining sessions. Should you want more sessions, we will look at the progress after 5 sessions and will again determine the goal for the next sessions.


Initial contact 20-30 Min: free of charge and without commitment

Coaching-Session in English 60 Min.: 180 € (incl. VAT) if you pay from your personal budget.

If your company pays for the Coaching I will be very happy to give a quote for my coaching services.


The coaching sessions will take place either in my coaching office in Stuttgart-West, Johannesstr. 58 (metered parking, bus, tram and S-Bahn within short distance) or online.